Middle School (G6-8)

We prepare each and every middle school student for success

Commitment to Every Child.

What does it take to succeed? Competence. Character. Confidence. Connection. Care. We ensure every single student receives an exceptional education - tailored to their unique needs.

Concordia Middle School Students with teacher

Extraordinary Teachers.

What sets a school apart is the quality of its educators.  Our team is both diverse and exceptional.  Middle school faculty members are world class professional educators with decades upon decades of experience.  It takes a village to raise a child, and our teachers work together to know, value, and support each student.  

Truly International Community.

One of the greatest benefits of attending an international school is the opportunity to learn from peers and teachers from a range of backgrounds.  We gather regularly as a community for cultural events, to cheer on our musicians, artists, actors, and athletes (Go, Thunder!), to celebrate holidays, and to share our traditions with one another.  

Middle School Student drawing in class

Focus on Academic Rigor & Well-Being.

 At Concordia’s middle school, we challenge all students academically while also prioritizing students’ happiness and well-being.  Middle school is an exciting time of change.  Every student’s journey is unique.  We meet students where they are in their own personal development and help them maximize their potential.

Comprehensive Educational Program.

Our middle school program gives students a full range of educational experiences – both in and beyond the classroom.  Students spend most of their days at Concordia’s middle school taking core courses, special courses, and elective courses as well as participating in a range of activities. 

Core courses include mathematics, language arts, social studies, and science. Students select a modern language: Mandarin, Spanish, or English as an Additional Language (EAL).  All middle school students take physical education each year.  As students progress through the middle school program, they take courses in visual art, music, coding and robotics, and life skills.  Middle school students also take two exploratory classes each semester in which they explore new interests.  In all of our courses, our teachers emphasize skills that matter: creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.  
Outside of regular school hours, middle school students choose from a range of sports, clubs, activities, and leadership opportunities.  Concordia’s signature LAUNCH program takes middle school students on unforgettable trips to other locations in Vietnam where students learn by doing and develop life-long friendships.  


Concordia passionately strives for academic excellence, putting an emphasis on the quality of teaching in order to cultivate the child as a whole. We center our efforts on creating opportunities in the classroom and community to help students discover their talents as scholars, artists, athletes, and servant leaders.

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Parent Testimonials

The Hyodo Family

ハノイで暮らせて良かったことの一つは子供達がコンコルディアに通えたことだと思っています。私たちの息子はReception からコンコルディアに通い出し、始めは英語が全く話せませんでしたが、クラスメイトはみな親切でしたし、先生方にはとても熱心に指導して頂きました。



The Anders Family

"We would like to say a big Thank You to the Concordia school community for making our one year stay in Hanoi such a pleasant experience. 

We highly appreciated the student focused approach, high academic standards and supportive education environment for our daughter (middle school). The teachers and staff went way beyond our expectations to help our daughter transition to the new country and school setting. 

Additionally, we enjoyed the welcoming atmosphere at numerous school events and the friendly interactions with school staff and parents. A lot of personal connections evolved."

"Wir möchten der gesamten Concordia Schulgemeinschaft, allen Lehrern, den hilfsbereiten Mitarbeitern, und Mitgliedern de Elternbeirats ein großes und besonders herzliches Dankeschön dafür aussprechen, dass sie unseren einjährigen Aufenthalt in Hanoi zu einer so angenehmen Erfahrung gemacht haben.

Wir haben insbesondere den schülerorientierten Ansatz, die hohen akademischen Standards und das unterstützende Bildungsumfeld für unsere Tochter (Mittelstufe) sehr geschätzt. Die Lehrer und Mitarbeiter haben unsere Erwartungen weit übertroffen, um unserer Tochter den Übergang in das neue Land und die neue Schulumgebung zu erleichtern. Die einladende Atmosphäre bei zahlreichen Schulveranstaltungen und der freundliche Umgang zwischen dem Schulpersonal und den Eltern macht Concordia zu einer besonderen Schule, die wir uneingeschränkt allen Eltern empfehlen. Wir sind uns sicher, das die  vielen persönlichen Beziehungen, die wir als Familie an der Concordia Schule knüpfen konnten lange fortbestehen werden." 


The Tanaka Family


The Iwashiro Family

好きでしたが、英語で勉強をするというのは初めてで、授業に慣れるにはある程度の時間が必要 だったと思います。その間、特に有難かったのが、英語を母国語としない生徒への学習の配慮を理解してくださっている先生方のサポートです。学習面でも精神面でも、個々のニーズを先生方のチームワークでサポートして下さいました。


My daughters transferred to Concordia after studying at a Japanese school for 6 years. They had always liked studying English, but it was their first time studying in English, and I think it took them some time to get used to the classes. During that time, I was particularly grateful for the support of the teachers, who understand the considerations given to students whose native language is not English. Both academically and mentally, the teachers supported their individual needs through teamwork.

After being in Concordia community for 6 years, I realized that this scale, which is neither too big nor too small, is an environment where each and every student can play an active role. Academic, artistic, sports and other opportunities for each student to reach their full potential. Interacting with parents who have a strong interest in their children's education is also very reassuring and grateful.

De Howitt/Guevara Family

"The Concordia international school has received us with a lot of support in our move to Hanoi and we will always be grateful for that, my daughter adapted very quickly to school thanks to the support and affection of the teachers and classmates. institution."

The Ikeda Family


“As parents of our twin sons who belong to Concordia International School Hanoi, we want to commend the school for an amazing job. Our sons have been attending the school since they were 4 years old and are currently in Reception at the age of 5.

The school has provided numerous occasions for our sons to learn a lot of things. The teachers have been absolutely wonderful and have gone above and beyond to ensure that our sons’ learning needs are met. They have been patient, kind and very attentive to each child’s learning pace.

Overall, We are extremely satisfied with the quality of education and resources provided by Concordia International School Hanoi. It has been an enriching experience for our sons, and we are excited to see them continue to thrive in such an amazing educational institution."


The Lee Family

There are many things we love about Concordia - the well organized facilities, educational system and very friendly teachers. I highly recommend that families should experience this school for their students. 

The Fujisaki Family

Since I was attending a local school in the United States, I chose Concordia because I can continue studying in the American curriculum. What I like about Concordia is that everyone warmly welcomed me, who transferred in the middle of the school year, and the facilities such as cafes are fully equipped to make daily school life comfortable.


The Hoshi Family

It's been almost three years since my daughter started going to Concordia in Preschool. During the tour, we gasped at the huge green playground and beautiful campus.
The teachers were very friendly, and I felt that because the class size is small, they can look after each and every child well. Concordia only hires experienced teachers, so I thought that the quality of the lessons is good for girls who do not speak English as their mother language. She was able to get used to the school sooner than I thought she would because of the EAL support in class. My daughter likes classes using a computer, and she takes an iPad after school activity twice a week.

At various events held in an international environment, there are many opportunities to introduce the culture of each country, and you can see that children and parents recognize and respect each other's differences. I think my exposure to various nationalities and cultures from a very young age has a very positive impact on my daughter.

When I look at my daughter who loves school, I'm really glad that she is able to attend Concordia.

娘はプレスクールからコンコルディアに通い始め、もうすぐ丸3年になります。 見学の際、緑あふれる広大な敷地に立つ立派な校舎に心を奪われました。 先生方もとてもフレンドリーで、授業の様子も、クラスが少人数で先生との距離がとても近く、一人一人の子供達をよく見てくれると感じました。 実際にコンコルディアは経験豊富な教師の方ばかりなので、授業の質が高いところも英語が第一言語ではない娘にとって良いと思いました。 EALの授業で英語をサポートしてもらえることもあり、心配していたよりも早く学校に馴染むことが出来たと思います。 娘はパソコンを使った授業が好きで、週に2度選択出来るアフタースクールアクティビティでもiPadを使ったものを選択しています。 国際色豊かな環境の中で行う様々なイベントでは、それぞれの国の文化を紹介し合う機会が多く、子供同士・親同士もお互いの違いを認め尊重し合う姿が見て取れます。 幼い頃からこういった多人種・多文化に触れることは、娘にとても良い影響を与えていると思います。 学校が大好きな娘を見ていると、コンコルディアに通えて良かったと心から思います。

The Gilmore Family

Concordia International School of Hanoi has excelled our expectations in every possible way. At Concordia, our children enjoy a safe and caring environment that allows students to develop their learning potential and also grow as global citizens. We enjoy having a personal relationship with teachers and staff, and the school community is outstanding. We truly appreciate that Concordia is dedicated to teaching the same values we practice as a family, in addition to stellar academics. Concordia has done an exemplary job transitioning children from the classroom to online learning due to COVID-19 and the school went above and beyond to support parents and students during this challenging time. Our children are happy at school and as parents, we are very grateful.

The Dalkarov Family

Our family was very fortunate to join the Concordia community. Both of our older kids enjoyed going to school every day, met good friends, and loved their teachers! Concordia is always going to be in our hearts and memories. Our oldest son is now absolutely fascinated with marine life after joining Concordia's Marine Research Program. The best thing about Concordia is the excellent mix of strong academics, athletics, and after school life. This is the balance you want for your children especially living away from home. Concordia cultivated a desire to learn in our children, which will help them so much in their future endeavors.

The Ko Family

Our family is very happy to choose Concordia. When we visited the school for the first time, all the members of the school welcomed us. It made a very good impression on us. Over the six years that my daughter has studied at Concordia, she has become very satisfied and loved school more and more. I think that Concordia has the best curriculum. I believe that she will grow into a confident child with the continued good quality classes at Concordia.

The Park Family

Concordia works as a great support for students to grow according to their individual needs at the right time. For the last two years of being in this community, our daughters have learned to challenge themselves towards their many dreams with passion and courage. Our second daughter (elementary student) has received quality education including team-teaching and the free exchange of opinions, while our first daughter (middle school) has participated in various activities such as sports, chamber ensemble, choir, math club, drama, etc. Outstanding teachers of Concordia have encouraged them to make their choices through their own motivation, plan their journey, and learn through small failures with patience. We see them becoming bolder with self-confidence and learning to solve problems with creative thinking and flexibility.

The Aliaga Family

The word "Concordia," in the Spanish language we speak in Ecuador, means “to live in harmony and balance.” This is exactly what the school has given us, with their charismatic staff who are always clear in the objective of forming good human beings. We are fortunate that our two daughters have benefited during the three years of an entire academic, social, sports, and humanistic infrastructure that respects the environment and integrates multiple nationalities, preparing our children to be respectful of the world in which we live. Our family loves Concordia.

The Yeh Family

We found people at Concordia are quite friendly and willing to help. Especially teachers, who are compassionate, experienced, and always care for their students in all aspects. Concordia creates a student-focused learning environment and curriculum where teachers are familiar with each student and help students to explore their talents and interests. Although this is our children's first school year at Concordia, we have already seen them learn, become more independent, grow in self-confidence, and have a sense of belonging to the community at Concordia.

The Ohama Family

I was worried about air pollution in Hanoi, but Concordia is located far away from the city, so the air is clean and they have a large playground. In fact, my son plays soccer to his heart's content and he is very happy about it. Concordia is the best place, students come from various countries and the school values diversity. The teachers are professional and teach well, and we are very satisfied with them.


The Rodriguez Family

Walking through the doors of Concordia for the first time, we could feel the warmth and compassion of administrators and teachers. Two years later, that same feeling can be felt every time. Concordia is truly a remarkable community. We have seen the impact of this amazing community on our kids through their individual growth in academics and more importantly character.

The Dhaka Family

Concordia has an amazing spirit and atmosphere, which makes the students and the parents feel very welcome with such warmth and acceptance. The teachers and administrators are loving, supportive and fully accessible. Our son loves going to school, being with his friends, and he looks forward to his day of fun and learning.

The Bender Family

We love being part of the Concordia community. Right from the beginning, we felt welcomed by the staff and other families. Teachers are enthusiastic about our child's education and development. There are numerous opportunities for him to participate in extracurricular programs and to explore and develop new interests and skills.

The Graovac Family

After 4 years at Concordia, our experiences have all been positive! The fact that our boys happily go every day attests to that. What we love about Concordia is the family feeling we have when we are there. Everyone knows each other, and everyone is helpful and kind. It makes us, the parents, jealous that we are not kids again so that we can go to Concordia too!