
コンコルディアは、私立、非営利、男女共学、英語を共通言語とした全日通学制のインターナショナルスクールです。入学には一定の英語力が求められますが、EAL(English as Additional Language)のサポートもあります。外部組織の重役から成るBoard of Trusteesにより、学校の発展と成長を支えられています。2011年にPreschool(4歳)からGrade7(中学1年生相当)までを対象に設立し、年々Grade8からGrade12の学年を拡充、現在はPreschool(4歳)からGrade12(高校3年生相当)までを対象としています。2017年6月に初めてのハイスクールの卒業生を輩出しました。上海と香港に姉妹校のConcordia International School ShanghaiとHong Kong International Schoolがあります。

  • ​​​​​対象年齢:
  • 授業時間: 始業8:00am、終業3:00pm
  • 生徒数: 約520名
  • スクールバス: 利用可能
  • 給食: 利用可能
  • 認定: WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges)
  • EAL(English as Additional Language):


Concordia Hanoi's Christmas Fair and Fun Run

コンコルディア・インターナショナル・スクール・ハノイは、Concordia 2024 Fun Run and Christmas Fairを主催し、活気溢れるホリデーシーズンの楽しい雰囲気に包まれました。このイベントには、260人を超えるエネルギッシュなランナーやサポーターを含む500人以上の参加者が集まりました。

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The Hyodo Family

ハノイで暮らせて良かったことの一つは子供達がコンコルディアに通えたことだと思っています。私たちの息子はReception からコンコルディアに通い出し、始めは英語が全く話せませんでしたが、クラスメイトはみな親切でしたし、先生方にはとても熱心に指導して頂きました。



The Tanaka Family


The Iwashiro Family

好きでしたが、英語で勉強をするというのは初めてで、授業に慣れるにはある程度の時間が必要 だったと思います。その間、特に有難かったのが、英語を母国語としない生徒への学習の配慮を理解してくださっている先生方のサポートです。学習面でも精神面でも、個々のニーズを先生方のチームワークでサポートして下さいました。


My daughters transferred to Concordia after studying at a Japanese school for 6 years. They had always liked studying English, but it was their first time studying in English, and I think it took them some time to get used to the classes. During that time, I was particularly grateful for the support of the teachers, who understand the considerations given to students whose native language is not English. Both academically and mentally, the teachers supported their individual needs through teamwork.

After being in Concordia community for 6 years, I realized that this scale, which is neither too big nor too small, is an environment where each and every student can play an active role. Academic, artistic, sports and other opportunities for each student to reach their full potential. Interacting with parents who have a strong interest in their children's education is also very reassuring and grateful.

The Ikeda Family


“As parents of our twin sons who belong to Concordia International School Hanoi, we want to commend the school for an amazing job. Our sons have been attending the school since they were 4 years old and are currently in Reception at the age of 5.

The school has provided numerous occasions for our sons to learn a lot of things. The teachers have been absolutely wonderful and have gone above and beyond to ensure that our sons’ learning needs are met. They have been patient, kind and very attentive to each child’s learning pace.

Overall, We are extremely satisfied with the quality of education and resources provided by Concordia International School Hanoi. It has been an enriching experience for our sons, and we are excited to see them continue to thrive in such an amazing educational institution."


The Fujisaki Family

Since I was attending a local school in the United States, I chose Concordia because I can continue studying in the American curriculum. What I like about Concordia is that everyone warmly welcomed me, who transferred in the middle of the school year, and the facilities such as cafes are fully equipped to make daily school life comfortable.


The Hoshi Family

It's been almost three years since my daughter started going to Concordia in Preschool. During the tour, we gasped at the huge green playground and beautiful campus.
The teachers were very friendly, and I felt that because the class size is small, they can look after each and every child well. Concordia only hires experienced teachers, so I thought that the quality of the lessons is good for girls who do not speak English as their mother language. She was able to get used to the school sooner than I thought she would because of the EAL support in class. My daughter likes classes using a computer, and she takes an iPad after school activity twice a week.

At various events held in an international environment, there are many opportunities to introduce the culture of each country, and you can see that children and parents recognize and respect each other's differences. I think my exposure to various nationalities and cultures from a very young age has a very positive impact on my daughter.

When I look at my daughter who loves school, I'm really glad that she is able to attend Concordia.

娘はプレスクールからコンコルディアに通い始め、もうすぐ丸3年になります。 見学の際、緑あふれる広大な敷地に立つ立派な校舎に心を奪われました。 先生方もとてもフレンドリーで、授業の様子も、クラスが少人数で先生との距離がとても近く、一人一人の子供達をよく見てくれると感じました。 実際にコンコルディアは経験豊富な教師の方ばかりなので、授業の質が高いところも英語が第一言語ではない娘にとって良いと思いました。 EALの授業で英語をサポートしてもらえることもあり、心配していたよりも早く学校に馴染むことが出来たと思います。 娘はパソコンを使った授業が好きで、週に2度選択出来るアフタースクールアクティビティでもiPadを使ったものを選択しています。 国際色豊かな環境の中で行う様々なイベントでは、それぞれの国の文化を紹介し合う機会が多く、子供同士・親同士もお互いの違いを認め尊重し合う姿が見て取れます。 幼い頃からこういった多人種・多文化に触れることは、娘にとても良い影響を与えていると思います。 学校が大好きな娘を見ていると、コンコルディアに通えて良かったと心から思います。

The Ohama Family

I was worried about air pollution in Hanoi, but Concordia is located far away from the city, so the air is clean and they have a large playground. In fact, my son plays soccer to his heart's content and he is very happy about it. Concordia is the best place, students come from various countries and the school values diversity. The teachers are professional and teach well, and we are very satisfied with them.
