Students program robots during Concordia’s Week of Code

Concordia’s elementary school students are enjoying their annual “Week of Code,” which fosters collaboration between students of different grade levels and encourages the fun side of STEM learning. 

One of the activities pairs or groups older elementary students with younger ones to program robots to perform tasks. 

One pair was William (G5) and Mateo (G2). “We’re coding bit by bit, line by line, using the Blockly program until our robot can go around an obstacle without crashing,” said Mateo (G5), adding. “It was helpful working with a Grade 5 student because we could share our ideas and ask questions and he helped me.”

“It’s something new for me because I usually work with other grade 5 students. I’ve learned that grade 2 students think differently,” said William (G5). 

2 kids and a robot

Two grade 5 students, Ella and Yesol, worked with three Grade 2 students, Haram, Jennie and Elena. “We enjoyed working with the Grade 2 students on the robot project, and taught them how to make the code,” said grade 5 students Yesol and Ella. 

“I learned how to control the robot and make it go around objects in the right direction, instead of it going around like crazy,” said Haram (G2).

a school girl holds a robot

Learn more about Concordia’s elementary school program
#ConcordiaHanoiRobotics #ConcordiaHanoiSTEM

  • Elementary School
  • STEM