Elementary Students Learn About “Self-Talk”

Elementary students are learning about “self-talk”, talking to yourself in your head or in a quiet voice.  
Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Katie Sutherland shared: “Self-talk is an important ‘Skill for Learning’, that students can use to stay focused, stay on task, and ignore distractions. Self-talk can also help students manage their emotions so they can make better decisions in stressful situations.”

Minh Thanh G3 shared an example of what he could say to himself when he is distracted. Minh Thanh exclaimed, “just ignore them and ignore everything and focus on your work.”
Vuong in G3 says, “I use self-talk when I need to keep working. I say to myself 'right now you just have to focus on one thing and that is my classwork.’”
“I use self-talk when I do my work,” says Jioh in G3. “Sometimes there's lots to do and my head goes crazy.  say 'stop, stop, stop and get a drink of water'”
All Concordia elementary school students receive the lesson on self-talk, but it is presented in various ways to meet each grade's developmental needs. During the first semester, in the unit of Emotion Management, all elementary grade levels will learn how to use self-talk to help them manage their emotions and calm down their strong feelings.
Being student-centered is one of Concordia’s core values, and Concordia seeks creative ways to support whole-child learning and growth. 

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